What’s Going Around in Colorado?

As the weather changes, it’s important to be aware of the risks of seasonal illnesses in children. Here are some tips to help keep your child healthy:

  • Get a flu shot: The flu is a serious respiratory illness that can be deadly, especially for young children. Getting a flu shot is the best way to protect your child from the flu.
  • Wash hands frequently: Handwashing is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of illness. Be sure to wash your hands often, and especially before handling food or eating.
  • Cover coughs and sneezes: If your child has a cold or the flu, it’s important to teach them to cover their mouth and nose when they cough or sneeze. This will help prevent the spread of the illness.
  • Stay home when sick: If your child is sick, it’s important to keep them home from school or daycare so they can rest and recover. This will also help prevent the spread of illness to other children.

Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease

Hand-foot-mouth disease is a common viral illness caused by the Coxsackie A-16 virus (a member of the enterovirus family). Its name describes the location of the rash during the illness.
Typically children experience fever and small blisters in the mouth in the first few days followed by small blisters on the hands and then feet.  Sometimes the rash is seen in the diaper area as well.  The mouth blisters can be painful.  Ibuprofen or acetaminophen can be given as needed for pain relief.  It is important to make sure your child receives plenty of fluids.  Cold liquids may provide pain relief as well.  

Call our office for an appointment if you think your child may be showing symptoms of dehydration during this illness (urinating less than every 8 hours, dry mouth, or lethargy); if the fever persists after the first 3-4 days; or if you cannot keep the pain under control.